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A Completely Green Product with Multiple Uses

A Completely Green Product with Multiple Uses

BioProtect’s ability to safely clean any surface and control odour make it a must-have for our clients in the aged care industry.

Core Hygiene is proud to provide washroom services and consumables replenishment to all our clients’ aged care facilities through NZ, including feminine hygiene bins, air fresheners, hand towels, soap, and hand sanitiser.

Incontinence is a common problem amongst the aging population. At one location where more than 1,000 residents live, multiple accidents had resulted in carpet replacement in several rooms, to address the lingering odour. This is far from ideal from either a cost perspective or a logistics one, as residents would have to be relocated while the work was being done.

An easier, more cost-effective solution

On a routine visit, Core Hygiene service technician Steve Downs noticed the issue and recommended BioProtect, our nontoxic cleaning solution for surfaces, drains, and floors. Because the room was soiled about a month prior, the urine had penetrated to the concrete level, requiring intensive spot treatment: every day for the first five days, then once a week for the following four weeks.

When not addressed immediately, the odour of urine is difficult to completely erase. If cleaned right away, however, an application of BioProtect every second or third day until the smell is gone should do the trick. Unlike bleach or other harsh floor cleaners, BioProtect can be safely used on carpet and upholstery without damaging it or stripping its colour. Our service technicians also pass BioProtect through a foaming machine, which allows the product to seep deep into the treated surface to more effectively digest bacteria and control odours – unlike other basic floor cleaners on the market.

Better for you - better for the planet

How does BioProtect work so well? BioProtect is an eco-friendly blend of probiotic bacteria and enzymes, including lipopeptides that digest fats, oils, and grease. This powerful formula makes BioProtect ideal for cleaning not only floors but drains, grease traps, and septic tanks as well.

“Before our visit, they hadn’t been using anything to clean their drains, other than Mr Muscle Drano in the event of blockages, so they had smells coming up through the drains,” says Steve. “A preventive approach that eliminates odours is the much better choice.”

Pouring any excess left over down the drain improves wastewater quality while reducing chemical output to municipal sewerage systems. “They went from using 10 different cleaning products to about three or four.” Need more convincing? Because BioProtect is free of harsh chemicals, it won’t corrode pipes, even plastic ones.

While walking around the facility’s kitchen, Steve slipped and nearly fell on a greasy floor, which prompted another very good use for BioProtect. Steve cleaned the area, demonstrated the proper technique to their cleaning staff – including how, how much, and how often – and “made the surface a lot safer.”

While slippery floors are certainly dangerous for everyone, they are potentially life-threatening for older patients, who are susceptible to balance issues and fractures resulting from falls.

BioProtect has proven a valuable addition to the facility’s cleaning regimen, eliminating stubborn odours, cleaning drains, and making floors safer – all while being kind to the environment. Our client is enjoying the convenience and cost savings of using fewer products while achieving superior results and even higher hygiene standards.